Case Studies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Case Studies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

I Had a Cardiac Angiogram: Case Study
A cardiac angiogram is an X-ray examination of the arteries that feed the heart muscle. It can show up areas of narrowing that may need further treatment to lower…...

I Had a Cardiac MRI: A Case Study
A cardiac MRI scan is used to examine the soft tissues of the heart in great detail. It is painless, but can be a bit stressful, but can reveal problems with the…...

I Had a Heart Attack: A Case Study
When Jane got stuck in traffic on the way to a meeting, little did she realise that she would go from traffic jam to intensive care, after suffering a heart attack in…...

I Had My Cardiac Enzymes Measured: A Case Study
Cardiac enzymes are measured in everyone who experiences symptoms of a heart attack. Troponin levels are directly related to how serious the heart attack has been and…...

I Had to Have a Pacemaker Fitted: A Case Study
A heart pacemaker is implanted to correct problems with heart rhythm, such as a slow heart rate, to make the heart beat evenly and at the right rate. Having a heart…...

I Lost a Friend to Sudden Death Syndrome: A Case Study
Sudden death syndrome in young adults is extremely rare but when it strikes it causes devastation among family and friends....

Living With Angina: A Case Study
In his late 50s, Geoff started to have regular angina attacks which required medical treatment and major lifestyle changes, culminating in heart bypass surgery....

My Baby Had a Hole in the Heart: Case Study
Some babies are born with a hole in the heart, either in the wall between the atria or the wall between the ventricles. Smaller holes tend to close naturally and…...

My Cholesterol Was Sky High: A Case Study
Dawn was fit, healthy and nearly 40 when she found she had very high blood cholesterol. To prevent a heart attack or stroke in the future she was prescribed statins....

My Sister Had a Heart Transplant: A Case Study
It is rare for young people to suffer cardiac problems but pregnancy can result in problems so severe they can only be corrected with a heart transplant....