Heart Conditions...
Below are our articles on the subject of Heart Conditions. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
An Enlarged Heart
Many people may have a minor degree of cardiac muscle enlargement and for a lot of these people there will be no obvious symptoms....
Aneurysm Causes & Treatments
The term aneurysm is given when the lining of a blood vessel becomes bulged or weakened allowing for blood to acculmulate and thicken. When this occurs in the heart,…...
Angina Symptoms & Treatment
Angina is pain felt in the chest due to narrowing of the coronary arteries. It acts as a warning sign to tell the sufferer that something is wrong, and medical advice…...
Aortic Stenosis Treatments Available
Aortic stenosis occurs as the aoritc valve which connects the heart to the aorta becomes narrwoed by thickened tissues. If this occurs the valve cannot open properly…...
Are You at Risk of Heart Disease?
Heart disease is caused by hardening of the arteries and there are several risk factors that increase your chance of this. Many can be modified by making lifestyle…...
Atherosclerosis, Hardening of the Arteries
Atherosclerosis is a chronic condition and it's effects on health can be severely damaging....
Causes of Peripheral Artery Disease
Peripheral artery disease occurs because of build-ups of plaques in the arteries. It affects many of the major arteries including those found in the legs....
Congenital Heart Disease Explained
Congenital heart disease is a wide term given to problems of the heart that have existed since birth and are due to foetal development in the womb....
Explaining Heart Disease
Heart disease occurs mainly due to lifestyle issues and refers to disorders concerning the cardiac muscle, its structures, surrounding tissues, blood supply and can…...
Heart Condition Dextrocardia Explained
Dextrocardia is a terms used to describe a condition where the heart organ is abnormally located in the human body and seen lying towards the right hand side of the…...
Heart Valve Disease
Heart valve disease is a condition that can be present from birth or can be a consepquence of other cardiac conditions. It can be very serious and symptoms can vary…...
Hole in the Heart
Correctly termed a 'septal defect' a hole in the heart varies in symptoms and treatment options depending on whereabouts in the heart the defect has occurred and to…...
How Anorexia Affects the Heart
The impact of anorexia on the body is devastating, with many severe, long-term complications on different organ systems, including the heart....
Mitral Valve Stenosis
Mitral valve stenosis is a condition defined by the narrowing of the mitral valve of the heart. The valve beocmes narrowed due tothe tissues becoming thickened and…...
Palpitations Explained
Palpitations are common sensations causing the person to become more aware of the activity of their heart. Often felt as a hammering, thumping or flutter, palpitations…...
Pericarditis, Inflamation of the Pericardium
Most frequently caused by a viral infection, pericarditis can be a frightening and painful condition....
Preventing Cardiac Death in Young Athletes
Estimates say that 1 young athlete in every 28 000 people in this age group succumbs to sudden cardiac death; understanding more about this rare condition may help…...
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Rheumatic heart disease can result from rheumatic fever which develops due to untreated strep throat infections. It is a very serious side-effect and can be avoided by…...
Stable and Unstable Angina: What's the Difference?
Stable angina is a chronic condition that requires close monitoring and treatment; unstable angina is more serious and is usually a medical emergency, as it suggests…...
Suffering From Endocarditis
Endocarditis occurs as the inner lining of the heart chambers, the valves and the surrounding tissues become inflammed due to a bacterial infection....
Vitamin D & Heart Disease
Scientists have recently discovered strong evidence to suggest links between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease. This vitamin can be found in a variety of natural…...
What Are Heart Murmurs?
Heart murmurs are a very common occurrence in children and may not be serious or require any treatment. For others who display other symptoms, a heart murmur may…...
What is Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
Angina that causes chest pain even when resting and sleeping, a mild heart attack and a major heart attack and now grouped into a medical condition known as acute…...
What is Atrial Fibrillation?
Atrial fibrillation occurs when the electrical impulses sent from the upper chambers of the heart to the lower ones do not function effectively leading to an irregular…...
What is Atrial Myxoma?
An atrial myxoma is a non-cancerous tumour found in cardiac tissues. It is found in the artia of the heart, most commonly in the left side....
What is Bundle Branch Block?
Bundle branch block can be a common and unserious condition of the heart, often going undiagnosed. For others it can be a sign of underlying problems that will need…...
What is Cardiogenic Shock?
Cardiogenic shock occurs when the blood supply being pumped by the heart muscle becomes depleted of oxygen. It can cause confusion and dizziness as the brain tissue…...
What is Heart Block?
Heart block occurs when the electrical signals between the upper and lower chambers of the heart do not transmit effectively. there are three types of heart block,…...
What is Heart Failure?
Heart failure is a serious heart condition but it doesn't mean that your heart stops completely, as it does in a heart attack. The heart carries on working but not…...
What is Myocardial Infarction?
Myocardial infarction is a medical term given to describe a heart attack that has occurred as a blood clot forms and blocks one of the coronary arteries....
What is Pericarditis?
Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium which is the protective layer of tissue surrounding the heart. It is usually accompanied by a collection of fluid,…...
What is Supraventricular Tachycardia?
Supraventricular tachycardia means a fast heart rate that is due to a problem with the electrical conductivity within the heart due to the impulses that normal come…...
What is Ventricular Fibrillation?
Ventricular fibrillation is a medical emergency that often causes cardiac arrest. Immediate resuscitation is needed, followed by emergency care in hospital....
Why Do Palpitations Occur?
Palpitations occur when the heart rhythms become irregular. They can feel as though the heart is racing, has extra beats or is slower than usual....
Why is High Blood Pressure Bad for the Heart?
If you have high blood pressure, it takes more effort for your heart to push blood around the body. High blood pressure produces no symptoms, so is often called the…...
Wolffe-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Wolffe-Parkinson-White syndrome is a condition that causes a fast heart rate due to additional electrical impulses in the heart that interfere with the normal pace and…...